You’re placing a lot of trust in a photographer when you ask them to illustrate your brand in a visual medium. 

You’ll naturally feel some trepidation, given that you’re investing a significant chunk of company money on something you may not be happy with.

That’s why it’s important to work with a photographer who understands your business on an intimate level. Only then can you feel confident in your investment.
As an experienced corporate photographer, I’ll give you peace of mind and deliver evocative images that capture your business’s unique identity. 

You’ll find me reliable, dependable, and professional, and, hopefully, we can build a long-term relationship as I gain an ongoing understanding of your brand
And the beauty of my service is that there’s no one type of brand I work with. Although the word ‘corporate’ has certain connotations, I don’t just work with the shirt and tie brigade. I’m lucky to work with a wide range of people and personalities. I also frequently cover networking events as part of my corporate photography service. 

Hands up if you’ve ever felt uneasy having your headshot taken. And hands up if you’ve ever received a headshot of yourself that you didn’t like. can envisage everyone reading this putting their hands up in unison!

If you’ve experienced this feeling, I’ve got good news for you. I’m here to disprove everything you thought you knew about headshots. Let’s face it — when we get our headshots taken, we want to be able to recognise ourselves. We also want to like what we see and not feel like we’re getting our headshot taken in a passport photo booth.

Getting your headshot taken shouldn’t feel like this:

  • Not feeling relaxed.

  • Going through the motions.

  • Feeling anxious about the end result.

  • Receiving a photograph that you don’t like.

Instead, it should feel more like this:

  • Being instantly put at ease.

  • Enjoying every step of the process.

  • Actually looking forward to seeing your headshot.

  • Receiving a true-to-life photo that is the best version of you.

If you want the latter, you need to work with me. I want to make you feel like a God or Goddess. I can’t tell you the number of business people who’ve said “I can’t believe that’s me!” after they’ve seen the headshots I’ve provided. They couldn’t believe they liked a professional photo of themselves. When you can deliver an office’s worth of headshots and everyone’s happy with them, you know you’re doing something right.  That said, I don’t just work in office environments. I can provide headshots for everyone from solicitor’s firms to schools to dental practices. 

So, if you want to give your company’s website a facelift with fresh, relevant images, get in touch today.