This is About….

Given how closely you’ll work with a photographer and what you’re entrusting them to do, it’s important to know what they’re like as a person. 

I know first-hand how vital value alignment is in achieving successful results and building ongoing and engaging relationships.

With that in mind, here’s a bit about me.

My Vibe

I’m a warm, open, and honest person.

Authenticity and emotional intelligence are the two biggest values I look for in a client. If we’re on the same page and can connect on an emotional level, the synergy will go a long way. For all the changes in technology and processes that I’ve witnessed during my time as a photographer, the importance of human touch has never gone away. How a photographer makes their client feel will always be on-trend.

That’s why I make these guarantees to my clients: 

  • You’ll be taken care of by me at all times, whatever your vulnerabilities.

  • You’ll be listened to in how you want to portray yourself.

  • You’ll have a good time when you work with me.

  • You’ll leave your inhibitions at the door. 

You’ll also struggle to recognise yourself looking so great, and you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to the selection of images. I won’t just take one or two photos of you — I’ll take a bucket load.

As an example of my honesty, here’s what I always tell clients who are wary of having their photo taken: “I’m the professional.”  

I don’t mean this in a funny way — I say this to reassure you that you’re in good hands. 

My background and purpose

I knew that I was a visual person from a young age. My father, a keen photographer himself, bought me a camera when I was 16 years old and taught me how to use it, and I’ve not looked back since. 

I knew straight away that I got the most joy and fulfilment from expressing myself through the camera, which has been an invaluable creative outlet. 

After spending four years at college and gaining a Higher National Diploma in Photography, I began my career in a photography agency, learning from experienced photojournalists. As well as the components of a great photograph, I also learnt about composition on various newspaper picture desks.

Since then, I’ve held various roles, including picture researcher, website photographer for a nationwide pub and hotel chain, and conference photographer for an award-winning e-learning provider. 

I’ve also run my own business since 2009, which has been the most incredible journey.

No matter what capacity I’ve worked in within corporate photography, the proviso has remained the same — to enhance people’s business acumen and give them the best chance of success in their field.

But corporate photography is about much more than that. It’s also about giving people a historical reference point, creating memories, and leaving a lasting impression

If this feels like your vibe, please reach out to me on 07809 771143 or at