Pink Link Ladies Networking

I joined the Pink Link Ladies networking group very soon after I arrived up north. It was the first time I had experienced the warmth and support of people in business here. I was not expecting to join a group or build a family of my own in this way but sure enough networking has become my way of life here and I LOVE IT.

After a few months, I volunteered to become the in-house photographer at Pink Link. It was a great way of getting myself in front of people and showing how I can provide professional content instead of using iPhones which I’d see was happening at other events. Dont get me wrong, iPhones do have their uses for making fun content but ultimately have limited quality and performance.

By Christmas 2023, the Christmas Regional at Ribby Hall in Kendal, was my fourth event so the routine is now super familiar and likewise, I have become recognisable too. That’s what these events are all about, the women involved are all in high spirits, and the networking event becomes the ultimate social scene.

In the twelve months of being in Liverpool, I’ve built such a good relationship with the women at Pink Link. Everyone is warm and welcoming and we all get together to listen and celebrate each other’s wins. It’s community over competition. I just love the empowerment that comes from these events too and I always leave with a huge dose of positivity and a plan of action!

This year, guest speaker, Charlotte Donoghue, Co founder of Say It With Diamonds had such an inspiring story about how she started off her business with little and now has a multimillion pound empire.

I haven’t quite got the commission to shoot Charlotte’s diamonds yet but I'd love to hear from you if you'd like me to capture your next event.

Pink Link has used these images throughout their marketing campaign for 2024. On banners, their website, PowerPoint presentations, and all their socials too. With a bank of images like these, you too can share authentic professional photos from your live events to help promote your success.


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